
Wednesday 25 October 2017

Labour Day!

Do You think labour day is just about winning and giving birth well your wrong, i am going to tell you why New Zealand celebrates Labour day.

Image result for parnell samuelIf you didn’t know New Zealand was one of the first countries in the world to have a 8 hour working day. Samuel Parnell was the man who stood up for the rights of workers. Samuel Parnell thought this was all wrong and decided to do something about it. He worked as a carpenter in a shop, Under one condition the man would accept to work, if he would work 8 hours per day.                        

Claiming his right, he got the chance to work 8 hours straight. The usual time workers would work, also known as Labour would work for 10 or 12 hours or more. Some people would even work more than 18 hours. Everybody did the same and demanded to have 8 hours of work.

Samuel Parnell got more workmen and other people to support his decision. New Zealand was most likely one of the first countries in the world to have the right of working 8 hours. After visiting the court in wellington the judge finally accepted all New Zealand workers to have the right to work 8 hours.    

Well now you know what Labour day is and why it’s celebrated here in New Zealand. What did you think Labour day was about about? Have you ever celebrated Labour day? Do you know what the meaning of Labour day is? Now you know what it means and why it’s very special to us.

Monday 16 October 2017

Immersion Assembly - Musical Madness

Back to school and as usual we have our annual Immersion assembly.Each team had to explain what they were going to focus on this term, the movies they made had to be based on what music could to make your life better.As we started off with the senior management band, every team that performed had really great points.

Most informative: I was stuck on Team 5 as they had a lot of information about what they were going to focus on this term.Every part they played, showed the emotions they were going through when the music played. Team 5’s focus is on how composers compose music to evoke an emotional response.

Most entertaining: Team 3 was most entertaining because they had more expression and action. There movie was based on them having a normal day with music telling them how they feel. There movie was extremely amusing. It was as if they were talking about their normal life.

What do you want to find out more about:

Throughout this term I would want to find out more about what songs affect me. By the end of this term I want to explain my feelings with the song I listened to and why it affects me.